Monday 30 July 2012

My Summer Trip~ Part 3

Let's continue this 'My Summer Trip' thing, where I tell you about my journey to

~Lots of good places for white water rafting if you ask. Congo River Rapid style!!~

Do we need another recap? Alright! We left Islamabad Saturday morning and reached Darosh at 6 in the evening to spend the night. On Sunday morning, we left to go to the Kalash Valley, or the Valley of the Kaafirs. From there we headed off to a place close to Chitral to spend the night.
16th July, 2012
Today we had to wake up a bit early to go on towards the actual Chitral, so we set off around nine in the morning and spent two hours in the red Prado to get there.

~Scenery on the way~

What was 'there'? There was the school that my father was working in. So while he went off to his official business, we went to an acquaintance's home.

If there's anything that messed up my journey, it was the state of the bathrooms. I don't know HOW these Northern people got their hands on cable and dishes and internet cafes and NOT on the proper toilets and bathrooms. It's plain wierd. Like, dude, if you want to make yourself modern and updated, update your bathroom first, then move to entertainment.

You can laugh all you want. But I have serious issues with bathrooms. On past trips, I used to just shake my head and say 'NO, I want a proper bathroom'. At a hotel? First thing I do is check the bathroom and it it's not okay, I'm going to ask if we can get another hotel, but that's hard to say when you're at someone's house and you know they can't supply it, a proper toilet or a sink. So I tried not to break down and cry about this unfairness. (My parents told me to get used to it cause more situations like this were on the way)

Anyway we stayed until around three and then we headed out (carrying lunch with us) to a place near the river where there were fish farms etc and we could eat and try a hand at fishing.

~I guess you can slightly make out me (yellow and white ghost lady on the lake)~

We ate lunch and then trie fishing. Fishing is much harder than it looks. First of all, fishing in a fish farm means that there will be tons of fish there, no matter what. Then, when you put the bait down, they will eat it in a flash and then leave you with an empty hook for all your kindness of giving them a free meal.

~Look, the fish of the fish farm!! Does it look tasty?!~

~My father is helping my little brother fish!~

The fish were kind of small so no fun in catching and cooking. Very small. Theycould just fit in your fist. So I guess you could only make a fish nugget out of them.

~See those two fish? My sister and I murdered them~

Okay, when I mean murder, I don't mean that we just accidentally threw them out of the water and they flopped and drowned in air. What happened was that maybe we pulled too hard and the hook got stuck somewhere in their mouths, so when we tried to take it out, it umm, ripped their internal organs? And so they couldn't really live? And so we left them to drown in air.

The day ended with my obsessing over bathrooms. I was planning on bringing a bulldozer and a construction company and fixing this problem myself. Of coarse, I'll leave some of the traditional toilets alone if these northern people like it so much. I'm very considerate.

~Hooked? Well you needn't wait long for DAY FOUR!~
~Your Ever-Courageous-Writer~
~Rikudo Uchiha~

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